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уторак, 1. јул 2014.

Asatru glossary


Wayland – the Anglo-Saxon blacksmith God. In Scandinavia he’s know as Volund. The Swedish king Ninud cut of his left leg and moved him, together with his forge to a remote island. As revenge, Wayland raped his daughter and murdered his sons, making their skulls his chalices.

Walpurgis – holiday dedicated to the Goddess of the same name, celebrated on May the 1st. In Christian times it was celebrated by witches. On that day, the witches would gather in the mountains like Brocken in Germany and Blåkulla in Sweden; according to the Christians, orgies were performed and the Devil was summoned on these mountains.
A. v. Kreling: Goethes Faust. X. Walpurgisnacht
. v. Kreling: Goethes Faust. X. Walpurgisnacht, 1874 - 77

Dieser Text stammt aus dem Ökumenischen Heiligenlexikon
von der Webseite <a href='http://www.heiligenlexikon.de/BiographienW/Walpurgisnacht.html'>http://www.heiligenlexikon.de/BiographienW/Walpurgisnacht.html</a 

Wolf – another sacred animal of the old Nordic peoples. Most of all it’s associated with Odin, who was always depicted in the company of his two wolves, Geri and Freki. The best known wolf from Nordic mythology is Fenriz, who will bring Odin his demise during Ragnarok. Fenriz is the principle of destruction; this is way Ragnarok will be called “age of the wolf”.

Wotan – Odin was celebrated under this name throughout modern Germany. Another version of this name is Wodan (Wodanaz) which means fury.