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Monday, May 23, 2011

Asatru Glossary


Ajra – Goddess of healing.

Alheim – abode of the light fairies identical to Ljosalfheim.

Alvaldi – A powerful giant and father of Tjazi.

Alvis – «omniscient». A dwarf Thor outwitted by giving him riddles. The riddle-asking went on until morning, and when the Sun rose it turned the dwarf into stone.

Alberich – a character from the Nibelung epic. A dwarf whose treasure was stolen by Loki.

Amsvartnir – the lake the island of Lingvi is located. The wolf Fenriz is shackled there.

Andvari – dwarf, owner of the magical ring later stolen by Loki.

Angrboda – «bearer of bad news». An ice she-giant and Loki’s lover. The mother of Fenriz, Hel and Jormungand.

Apple – fruit considered sacred in Nordic tradition. It’s connected to the Goddess Idun who stored apples of youth in her coffer; these apples gave the Gods eternal youth and good health.

Asgard – abode of the Asir and the Vanir, after the two tribes made peace.

Asir – one of the two divine tribes. Most of all they were Gods of war; belonging to this pantheon are Odin, Thor, Hermod, Tyr, Bragi, Forseti, Hodur, Vidar and many others. Asir is plural of the word As, meaning God.

Askr – the first man created by Gods from an ash tree. From him and Embla the whole human race was born.

Atli – Nordic name for Attila, king of the Huns, who died in 453 AD. Attila is the protagonist of the most famous German epic – the Volsung saga.

Audhumla – primordial cow, the first creature to rise up from Ginugagap. From her four udders rivers of milk ran, feeding the first ice giant.

Austri – one of the dwarves standing on four sides of the world, holding the heavens; Austri means East.