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Monday, September 23, 2013

Poeta magica's Edda


...I couldn't post all 55 minutes of the performance, but here is the adress of the clip on the You tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnOnpyC8vgs. Skaal!

Asatru glossary


Ulfsark – «wolf-skin». A name used for warriors similar to berserkers who fought without armour or shields. They’d go into battle blinded by belligerent rage of their God, Odin. Their terrifying looks were helped by warrior colours which were used by these warrior of Odin, like the Picts in ancient Britain.

Ullr – God of archery, winter and hunting; Thor’s stepson. Most often depicted as a hunter on skis; because of this some have associated him with Skadi. He is one of the twelve chief Gods of the Nordic pantheon.


Uppsala – the place where the most famous shrine was located. Adam of Bremen describes it as follows: in the centre of the shrine there were statues of Thor, Frey and Odin. Thor’s statute was in the middle, because the people revered him the most. Next to the shrine there was a tree that was green in both summer and winter, as well as the like in which people were drowned as sacrifices to the Gods.

Utgard – «the place without». Capital of the giants in Jotunheim where Thor, Loki and Talfi competed with Utgard.

Urd – Norna (Fate) of the past. The spring by which she sits bears the same name. Ur means old in Nordic languages.