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недеља, 30. јануар 2011.

Sacred manuscripts of Asatru


The basis of Asatru lies in sacred manuscripts of the old Nordic religion: the Eddas i sagas. One of the most important parts of the poetic Edda is the Havamal, containing the regulative principles of behaviour mentioned above, the bases of moral action. Havamal is the most sacred script of all, because it contains the words of Odin himself – Hava-mal translates as Words of the High One, i.e. the words of Odin. As the Qu’ran to Muslims, the Torah to Jews, and the Bible to the Christians, Havamal was considered a talisman in its material form, bringing good luck to one possessing it. Beside moral recommendations for all aspects of life – from love to death – this script containts 18 spells. Among others the invulnerability spell, a spell to raise the dead, seduction spell &c. Their power is greater if they’re written and read in Icelandic, because Icelandic is the holy language of Asatru. One other script containing the basis of Asatruan beliefs should be mentioned, namely the Gylfaginning or the Deception of Gylfi, which alongside Nordic mythology, also contains some magical techniques. Besides the Eddas and the sagas there exists a strictly Asatru literature. The authors of these books are Edred Thorsson, Kveldulf Gundarsson, Jan Fries, Freya Aswynn &c.                                                                                                                       

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